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All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. We�ve heard many grumblings over the years about how 3D printing/additive manufacturing is at the cutting edge of manufacturing trends, and the Obama administration has expressed a particular interest in using 3D printing technology to create jobs and more on-site manufacturing opportunities in an economy plagued by job loss due to the outsourcing of manufacturing.

For those of you who think this is a great idea, there is good news. If you were to guess which state in the US would be leading a project to build an industrial-sized, 200,000-square-foot�3D printing facility, you would probably guess maybe California or New York, right?

Right. Well, in this case New�York was the winner of a bid to build this large-scale industrial-size job creation site.On October 5, 2015 Reuters published an article�stating that although it has not been officially announced by the�state,�New York will be investing along with Norway�s Norsk Titanium AS�(NTi) in a $125 million facility which�will be run as a public-private partnership.

In fact, the announcement comes with the groundbreaking scheduled not too far away. Plattsburgh, NY will be�the home for the facility, which�they will begin building in�late October.

State University of New York (SUNY) Polytechnic Institute is involved with the program as well.This plant is expected to be fully operational, with several dozen 3D printers, by the end of 2016. It will be able to more inexpensively 3D print large components for defense and aircraft industries for far cheaper than current technologies�used.

Norsk Titanium (NTi) actively sought bids from states, with New York�s bid winning over the others. New York state is actively seeking to expand its economy in the tech sector. (Last July, the state won a $610 million competition to build a photonics research center.)The deal between the state and NTi appears to have the government owning the facility with NTi operating it.

Warren Boley, NTi�s chief executive who was a former executive with Aerojet Rocketdyne, talked to Reuters about the project in July. He also said that the 3D printing plant, which will be�200,000 square feet, will be government-owned but operated by NTi. At the time, Boley did not say where the plant would be located, but other sources have confirmed for Reuters that it�s Plattsburgh, 160 miles north of Albany.3D printing is known for its efficiency and cost-effectiveness, and NTi states that its use of titanium wire can cut costs �up to 70 percent less than current technologies, in about 10 percent of the time.� According to NTi�s website, they work with �a proprietary plasma arc Direct Metal Deposition (DMD) technology� that is �the ultimate in 3D additive printing.� Titanium wire is melted in an argon gas cloud, quickly building up layers that require �little finish machining.� The process costs 50% to 75% less than other manufacturing processes currently used�legacy forging and billet manufacturing techniques�because there�s less machine energy used and less waste produced.Clearly, this facility will be an important�marker for the larger scale turn to 3D printing and manufacturing in the US.

Now we just have to wait for New York state to announce this and make it official.What are your thoughts on this initiative by the state of New York? Let us know in the NY 3D Printing forum thread on Tagged with: 3d print new york � 3d printing facility � 3d printing partnership � additive manufacturing facility � industrial 3d printing � new york � Norsk Titanium � Norway � NTi � partnership � State University of New York � SUNY Polytechnic Institute � Connecticut Company Gets Piece of $4 Million 'Reborn in the USA' 3D Printing Project� 4WEB Medical Announces Major Milestone: Over 3,000 of their 3D printed spine truss implants in use� Save Lives and Win Some Cash by Taking the �Oxygen Valve Splitter Challenge�� Materialise and Lima Corporate Collaborate on 3D Printed Knee Guide Surgical System� Hardcotton Launches Elemental SLA Pressure Controlled 3D Printer on Kickstarter Starting at $950 AUD General 3D Printing DiscussionAnything Related to the 3D Printing Industry which doesn't belong in the our other folders goes here.3D Printers (Hardware)Discuss the various 3D Printers on the Market.

Please make sure there isn't already a folder for the printer you wish to discuss in our Specific 3D Printer Folders.3D Printer Parts, Filament & MaterialsDiscussion related to 3D Printer parts, such as hot ends, extruders, and anything else you may want to discuss related to printer parts, as well as filament, resin, and sintering powder. 3d bioprinting 3d design 3d hubs 3d printed art 3d printed electronics 3d printed fashion 3d printed jewelry 3d printed prosthetic 3d printed prosthetics 3d printed toys 3d printing 3d printing education 3d printing materials 3d scanning 3d systems Arduino art australia autodesk bioprinting china crowdfunding e-nable education formlabs germany indiegogo inside 3d printing instructables itaFrom earth to sky.

Our scientists discovered and industrialized a game-changing additive manufacturing technology for the production of aerospace-grade titanium structures. From refining raw ore found in nature into the pure wire we use to make safety-critical aircraft parts, we have never wavered in our quest to achieve more while consuming less.The new industrial revolution is here. Norsk Titanium Announces Investment from Applied VenturesSUNY Poly and Norsk Titanium Announce First Rapid Plasma Deposition Machine to be Delivered to Plattsburgh in September as Planning for Aerospace Additive Manufacturing Plant Ramps UpNorsk Titanium Receives Thales Alenia Space Contract to Build Structural Additive Manufactured Components for Orbital MissionsNorsk Titanium Receives Boeing Engineering Test Article Order Wire refinementFrom refining raw ore found in nature into the pure wire we use to make safety-critical parts, we have never wavered in our quest to achieve more performance while consuming less energy. Our proprietary plasma arc Rapid Plasma�Deposition� (RPD�) technology is the ultimate in additive manufacturing.

Titanium wire is melted in a cloud of argon gas and precisely and rapidly built up in layers to a near-net-shape (up to 80% complete) that requires very little finish machining. Production cost is less than legacy forging and billet manufacturing techniques due to significantly less waste and machining energy. From the mighty A380 to the futuristic A350, Airbus products prominently feature titanium components.

The A350 is 14% titanium* and Norsk estimates each aircraft generates 154,000 lbs. of titanium scrap during production. Using our industrial scale RPD� process could save Airbus approximately $2.3M per plane, while also reducing lead times, waste and energy usage.*Source: Airbus, �Airbus Technical Magazine�Warren Boley, CEO Norsk Titanium shows Didier Evrard, EVP Airbus the Rapid Plasma Deposition� near-net-shape printed form. At 30% titanium,* Norsk projects each Lockheed Martin F-35 requires the purchase of 30,000 lbs.

of titanium, most of which leaves the factory as scrap. Due to the compatible Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE), corrosion, and temperature-resistance of Norsk RPD� components, our technology is also well suited to carbon fiber military manned and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).*Source: Rand Corporation �Project Air Force� Norsk Titanium�s patented RPD� process and parts have been qualified according to NORSOK M-650 and we�ve shipped finished parts to the offshore oil & gas industry and the seismic industry.

In addition, applications are in development for wind turbines and other sustainable sectors of the energy market that can benefit from Norsk Titanium�s ultra-lean production process. To the autosport industry and world championship race teams looking for competitive advantage on the track�from premium quality chassis and suspension components to complex engine internals�Norsk Titanium parts enable rapid prototyping and significantly shortened lead times.

Norsk Titanium is proud to be a major sponsor of the Arden International #21 car in the GP2 Formula One feeder series. Norsk�s unique ability to produce precision, corrosion-resistant components from concept to reality 75% faster than legacy manufacturing is transforming the marine world while preserving energy and vital natural resources.

From luxury yachts to container ships, to America�s Cup racing vessels, Norsk Titanium is developing applications in the maritime industry that are redefining the boundaries of durability. Until recently, titanium has been regarded as ultra-high performance, but expensive and inefficient to process. Our new rapid deposition capability strikes the perfect balance between performance and efficiency, opening new markets and applications to lower existing titanium costs or upgrade legacy materials with titanium performance. ISO 9001:2008 and AS9100C certified.NORSOK M-650 Qualified � Norwegian Oil & Gas application production certification U.S.

and European OEM application qualifications in process, achieving applicable government regulatory approvals in North America and Europe. Norsk RPD� Machine Generations2008 � Gen 1 (Core Technology)2009 � Gen 2 (Higher Deposition)2012 � Gen 3 (Industrial Speeds)2015 � MERKE IV��(Production*)* Produces 22 metric tons of finished parts per year People Searched For.� Business Brookfield� Cheap Party Halls Bronx� Attorneys Palmetto Bay� Attorneys Miami Lakes� Attorneys Doral� Attorneys Cutler Bay� Attorneys Miami Springs� Attorneys Aventura� Attorneys Bay Harbor Islands� Attorneys Coral Gables� Attorneys Miami Beach� Attorneys Pinecrest� Cheap Party Halls Queens� Taxis Morgantown� Business Adell Popular Cities� Houston� San Antonio� Las Vegas� Phoenix� Miami� Los Angeles� Chicago� Dallas� Orlando� Philadelphia� Atlanta� Oklahoma City� Indianapolis� Memphis� Charlotte� Louisville Your browser may make the Kessel run.But may not run some of the features on YP.comYou are using an unsupported browser or your browser might be in Compatibility View Mode.To fully enjoy the site, please use our supported browsers.� Download Chrome �� Download Firefox �� Download Internet Explorer �Want to help us improve your experience?

We'd love to hear your feedback � About Us Site Feedback Contact Us Advertise with Us Careers - We're Hiring Corporate Blog Engineering Blog Legal| Terms of Service and Use Privacy Policy Small Business Advertising Advertising Choices About Call Recording Site Directory Articles News Find a Business White Pages Mobile Apps Reverse Phone Lookup Site Map Browse Restaurants Mobile Web City Guides More Cities � � 2016 YP LLC.

All rights reserved.YP, the YP logo and all other YP marks contained herein are trademarks of YP LLC and/or YP affiliated companies.AT&T, the AT&T Logo and all AT&T related marks are trademarks of AT&T Inc. or AT&T affiliated companies. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. Towards the end of last year, Norway-based Norsk Titanium�got people talking here in the US when they announced their plan to build a giant, multi-million-dollar additive manufacturing plant in Plattsburgh, New York, greatly expanding their business and creating lots of new jobs.

This week, 3d printer machine plattsburgh ny company released new details about the planned facility, and yes, it�s going to be big � and it�s going to involve big money. Norsk plans to invest $1 billion into the facility over the next 10 years, and the�State of New York has invested�$125 million.What�s more, according to Norsk, the facility will be the world�s first industrial-scale aerospace additive manufacturing plant. Aerospace is one of the company�s prime areas of focus, and in the second quarter of 2015 they shipped 2.4 metric tons of titanium aerospace parts for certification testing � thanks to their patented Rapid Plasma Deposition (RPD) technology, which involves melting titanium wire in a set of plasma torches surrounded by argon, producing parts with the equivalent strength of forgings at a fraction of the cost and time required.�The State of New York has already invested in 20�of Norsk Titanium�s MERKE IV RPD machines, in addition to releasing $4 million for the facility�s construction thus far.�Norsk will do a couple of things: One, it will infuse our economy with up to 400 good-paying jobs,� Plattsburgh Town Supervisor Michael Cashman, who described the RPD technology as �magical� to watch, told

�The other part to it is, this company is the first in the world, as far as the products its producing, so it continues to put our region on the map�Plattsburgh is already on the move and some great things are going to unfold in the weeks, months and years to come.�The MERKE IV has been in development for 10�years, and it�s expected to save millions of dollars in not only aerospace production, but in automotive and naval manufacturing as well. Artist�s rendering of the production floor�Today marks the beginning of a new era in the way aircraft, marine vessels, automobiles, spacecraft and many industrial products are designed and built,� said Norsk Titanium President & Chief Executive Officer Warren Boley, Jr.

�Not only are we creating jobs, huge economic impact and great visibility for the wider Plattsburgh community, we are also making history by kicking off a new phase of on-demand, near-net-shape manufacturing that sets a new benchmark of efficiency and customer responsiveness.�The plant is expected to be operational by the end of 2017, and it will open in partnership with the SUNY Polytechnic Institute.�The first 20�MERKE IV machines are expected to produce 400 metric tons of aerospace-grade structural titanium components, and Norsk anticipates ultimately doubling those amounts to 40�machines and 800 metric tons of parts. Artist�s rendering of the Norsk production facilityIn addition to the job creation and economic development provided by the production facility, Norsk Titanium will also impact the Plattsburgh region through workforce training and STEM outreach programs at SUNY Polytechnic along with other community colleges and schools in the area, with the support of the North Country Chamber of Commerce.Currently, Norsk Titanium is exhibiting a full-scale mock-up of the MERKE IV at the Farnborough International Airshow, which is running from July 11-15 in Farnborough, England.

Discuss further in the Norsk�3D Printing Facility forum over at Tagged with: aerospace 3d printing � aerospace additive manufacturing � Farnborough International Airshow � MERKE IV � new york � Norsk Titanium � Plattsburgh New York � Rapid Plasma Deposition � Rapid Plasma Deposition (RPD) technology � SUNY Polytechnic Institute � titanium � titanium 3d printing � Incredible Advancement in the 3D Printing of Hair on Figurines is Presented by Disney Research� What's Your Wedding Ring Really Worth?

BTCRing Can Tell You With Bitcoin� SuperMod: A 3D Printed Modular & Functional Wall Unlike Anything You've Seen Before� 3D Printing Marketplace Threeding Launches Their Android App� 3D Printing Artist Chris Milnes Explores Controversial Pop Cultural Variations of Laughing Buddha Statue General 3D Printing DiscussionAnything Related to the 3D Printing Industry which doesn't belong in the our other folders goes here.3D Printers (Hardware)Discuss the various 3D Printers on the Market.

Please make sure there isn't already a folder for the printer you wish to discuss in our Specific 3D Printer Folders.3D Printer Parts, Filament & MaterialsDiscussion related to 3D Printer parts, such as hot ends, extruders, and anything else you may want to discuss related to printer parts, as well as filament, resin, and sintering powder. 3d bioprinting 3d design 3d hubs 3d printed art 3d printed electronics 3d printed fashion 3d printed jewelry 3d printed prosthetic 3d printed prosthetics 3d printed toys 3d printing 3d printing education 3d printing materials 3d scanning 3d syste� Home� Price Compare� Videos� 3D Printers� 3D Printing Technology� 3D Printing Materials� Applications� Interviews� Stats� Best 3D printing Campaigns on In die Go Go & Kicks tarter 2011� Top 100 websites 2011� Top 100 websites 2012� 3D Printing Basics� Forums Jul 11, 2016 | By TessNorsk Titanium AS, a leading company in additively manufactured structural titanium parts for the aerospace industry, has gained significant attention for its most recent endeavour: the creation of a factory for 3D printed aerospace parts in Plattsburgh, New York.

The factory, which will be the first in the world to create titanium parts from Norsk�s patented Rapid Plasma Deposition (RPD) process, is expected to open by the end of 2017. The large-scale project has also received a significant amount of support, having initially secured $125 million in funding from the 2016 New York State Budget, $25 million from diverse investors and a recent $4 million from the State of New York in partnership with SUNY Polytechnic University.According to the company, the recent funding will go towards financing the first 20 MERKE 3d printer machine plattsburgh ny RPD 3D printers for the factory.

This initial batch will allow the facility to cover a baseline production level of 400 metric tons per year of aerospace-grade titanium parts. Eventually, the facility is expecting to add another 20 machines to increase the baseline production level to 800 metric tons per year.

The NY-based facility, which is expected to create over 500 jobs within the Plattsburgh area, will also receive additional investment funding from Norsk Titanium for a total of nearly $1 billion over the first 10-year period.John Andersen Jr., Norsk Titanium�s chairman of the board, says of the project, �We are proud to be a part of the unwavering vision and leadership of [New York State] Governor Cuomo and are moving forward in support of his efforts to revitalize upstate New York with jobs, technology, and community pride.

Our researchers have spent 10 years pioneering the Rapid Plasma Deposition process that is now ready to cut millions of dollars in cost from the world�s premier commercial and military aircraft, and with the foresight displayed in other sectors, the State of New York is the ideal place to launch this manufacturing revolution.�Norsk Titanium�s innovative and patented RPD 3D printing technology consists of transforming titanium wire into complex and industrially sound components using plasma torches.

The process, which takes place in a controlled argon environment, is said to create high quality titanium parts at 50-70% less cost and in 75% reduced time than similar manufacturing technologies.

The innovative technology will help to develop Plattsburgh�s technological economy and presence.�Today marks the beginning of 3d printer machine plattsburgh ny new era in the way aircraft, 3d printer machine plattsburgh ny vessels, automobiles, spacecraft and many industrial products are designed and built,� said Norsk president and CEO 3d printer machine plattsburgh ny Boley Jr.

�Not only are we creating jobs, huge economic impact and great visibility for the wider Plattsburgh community, we are also making history by kicking off a new phase of on-demand, near-net-shape manufacturing that sets a new benchmark of efficiency and customer responsiveness.�In addition to the 3D printing facility, the Norwegian company will also be partnering with the North County Chamber of Commerce in Plattsburgh to develop a training program for the facility workforce as well as a STEM outreach program for local universities and schools, including SUNY Plattsburgh.Currently, Norsk Titanium is showcasing a mockup of its MERKE IV RPD 3D printer at the Farnborough Airshow in England as well as a sort of petting zoo section, where visitors can touch and pick up parts made using their novel additive manufacturing process.

Chip Yates, Norsk Titanium�s VP of marketing expressed excitement for the event saying, �This is our first trade show and excitement has been building. We have a full-scale mockup of our MERKE IV machine that has video monitors showing the conversion of titanium wire into structural aerospace-grade titanium parts for the world�s top aircraft manufacturers�This is the first time the public can see how our process works and handle the parts that result from it!�Posted in 3D Printer CompanyMaybe you also like:� HP to invest �60 million a year into Sant Cugat 3D printing R&D center in Spain� Rolls-Royce looks to the future with fully customizable 3D printed Vision next 100 concept car� Vader Systems raises further $750k for highly anticipated Mk 1 MagnetoJet metal 3D printer� Amorphous metals successfully 3D printed for the first time by Heraeus and Exmet� 3D printer maker 3D Systems hires ex-Kodak executive John McMullen as new CFO� Autodesk looks to future with new developer offerings & investments to Fuel Forge Cloud Platform� 3D printing technologies stand out at Drupa 2016, the world's largest printing exhibition� Airbus APWorks, Altair announce additive manufacturing partnership following � Aerospace� Automotive� Consumer Goods� Architecture & Construction� Defence & Military� Electronics & Semiconductors� Energy, Process & Utilities� Manufacturing� Marine & Offshore� Transportation� Materials� Medical While Norsk Titanium (NTi) was founded 2007, it wasn't until the last few years that the Norwegian metal 3D printing company began attracting a lot of attention and investment dollars in the United States.

That's because, not only has NTi begun to expand its focus from 3D printing for the oil and gas industry to aerospace, but it has also started to work with a lot of big names, including Alcoa, Boeing, Airbus and, even, the State of New York. In an interview with, Chip Yates, vice president of Marketing at NTi, was 3d printer machine plattsburgh ny to touch on the moves that NTi has made to bring the company to prominence in the U.S.

and worldwide.NTi's Rapid Plasma Deposition Technology When breaking down the various 3D printing technologies, NTi's technology of Rapid Plasma Deposition� (RPD) falls into the metal 3D printing process of directed energy deposition (DED).

DED sees thermal energy used to fuse material�usually a metal�as it is being deposited. Unlike direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) and similar technologies, DED has the unique ability to 3D print extremely large metal parts to near net shape, though the parts are subsequently refined with subtractive techniques. RPD features a two-torch method that first heats the substrate and then heats the titanium wire.

(Image courtesy of NTi.)RPD differs from some other forms of DED in that the process uses a plasma arc to melt titanium wire, rather than metal powder, to print parts. Yates elaborated on this process by saying, �We use a two-torch system where the leading torch heats the substrate to the temperature that's required and then the second torch heats the titanium wire, allowing us to deposit up to 10 kg per hour of structural titanium.� Parts are then refined with post-processing techniques, with the object in the front being the most refined.

(Image courtesy of NTi.)Yates distinguished the RPD process from other metal 3D printing techniques like DMLS. �I'd say that we're not competing with the other metal 3D printing processes because we�re not going to print small, complex parts.

We're not going to 3D print the GE LEAP engine nozzle. Really, we're aiming to replace the massive amount of forged parts that are currently flying on commercial aircraft,� he said.Since the first RPD platform was developed in 2008, NTi has spent the past seven years refining the technology, resulting in the fourth generation of its metal 3D printing system in 2015.

The MERKE IV�, as it's called, is capable of producing 48,502 pounds of finished aerospace-grade parts per year.According to the company, parts are printed to within nearly 80 percent of the final shape of the end part. In turn, production costs are estimated by NTi to be less than forging or billet manufacturing.

With the new Airbus A350 aircraft built from about 14 percent titanium, the company further estimates that each aircraft would produce about 154,000 pounds of titanium scrap, arguing that RPD could save Airbus $2.3 million in waste, energy use and lead time per plane.This is one of the reasons why NTi has begun to move from oil and gas to the aerospace sector. From Oil and Gas to AerospaceYates explained that NTi began with a lucrative career in the oil and gas space, working with the leading supplier of oil in Norway, but made the shift to aerospace when oil prices began to drop dramatically. The latest RPD machine is the MERKE IV.

(Image courtesy of NTi.)The certification process for aerospace, however, is no easy task. In fact, NTi shipped 2.4 metric tons of titanium aerospace parts for testing in the second quarter of 2015. �Aerospace qualification is tough mostly because every aerospace manufacturer has its own qualification process,� Yates said. �So, we're working with Westmoreland, which is an independent testing company, and we're shipping them literally tons of test sample parts.

They're subjecting them to a battery of tensile, fatigue and other tests to demonstrate that our RPD process produces parts that meet the qualifications of the aerospace manufacturers.�Nevertheless, NTi has made significant strides in this regard.

In 2015, the firm received an investment from RTI International Metals before RTI was purchased by Alcoa. Since then, Alcoa and NTi have begun exploring ways of collaborating, including blending Alcoa�s long history of traditional metalworking techniques with NTi's newer metal 3D printing technology.

About the partnership, Yates said, �I wouldn't say that we have a competitor in the larger manufacturing space because other companies are either working in a different area or are direct collaborators. Alcoa is a great example because we're working with them to replace forged parts with additively manufactured parts.�He added, �We look at a lot of the legacy forging� News� 3D Resources� 3D Platforms� 3D Printers� 3D Printing� 3D Scanners� 3D Software� Open source� 3DP Applications� Aerospace� Art & Sculpture� Education� Business� Consumers� Crowd Funding� Design� Entertainment� Fashion� Food� Jewellery� Medical & Dental� Transport� Insight� Industry Insights� Makers� Materials� Research� Reviews� Stock Market� Directory� Events� Videos� Crowdfunding� Contact us� Newsletter� � News� 3D Resources� 3D Platforms� 3D Printers� 3D Printing� 3D Scanners� 3D Software� Open source� 3DP Applications� Aerospace� Art & Sculpture� Education� Business� Consumers� Crowd Funding� Design� Entertainment� Fashion� Food� Jewellery� Medical & Dental� Transport� Insight� Industry Insights� Makers� Materials� Research� Reviews� Stock Market� Directory� Events� Videos� Crowdfunding� Contact us� Newsletter� Alicia Miller is a culture writer from New York dedicated to all things creative.

Her studies in media have immersed her in the digital world, although she prefers to spends her free time reading . [Read More] 424 shares� 424� 0� 0�As reported by 3D Printing Industry last week, Norsk Titanium�(NTi) have made a major announcement today.�The Norwegian additive manufacturing company�has officially announced New York State�s�and�SUNY Polytechnic University�s funding of the initial lot of 20 patented MERKE IV� Rapid Plasma Deposition� (RPD) machines.

NTi�pride themselves on the belief that titanium is the metal of the future. This belief, along with years of dedicated research and development, has lead them to become the world�s only qualified supplier of aerospace-grade, additive manufacturing, structural titanium 3D manufactured components.

Having developed an innovative additive manufacturing technology that cuts both time and cost of production, NTi�has enabled engineers to work at a speed that matches the growing demand of new technologies.

Below, is the company�s latest video, which aired at this year�s Farnborough International Air Show.The funding of these innovative machines is a part of an approved state budget allocation meant to ultimately facilitate the company�s US subsidiary in building and operating the world�s first industrial-scale metal additive manufacturing plant. Located in Plattsburgh, New York, the factory is set to be operational in late 2017.

Here�s everything you need to know about the upcoming facilities, investment, and MERKE IV� RPD� machines:� The initial 20 MERKE IV� RPD� machines will be the baseline production level of 400 metric tons per year of aerospace-grade, structural titanium components� The New York program looks to develop a capacity of up to 40 MERKE IV� RPD� machines capable of 800 metric tons per year in order to meet increasing demand from the aviation industry� New York has released an addition $4 million in planning funds for the industrial-scale factoryNTi Chairman of the Board John Anderson, Jr.

hails the new investment as part of an �unwavering vision,� citing researchers� decade-long development of the Rapid Plasma Deposition� process, which will �cut millions of dollars in cost from the world�s premier commercial and military aircraft� in the coming years.

The novel RPD� process developed by NTi researchers and engineers works by fusing titanium wire with computer-controlled plasma torches protected by an atmosphere of cool argon, which significantly reduces development and production, and eliminates the need for time consuming legacy forged parts. This groundbreaking process has caught the attention of many top tier aerospace manufacturers and suppliers who have already entered into numerous contracts with NTi.

The new technology and partnership represents a �new phase of on-demand, near-net-shape manufacturing that sets a new benchmark of efficiency and customer responsiveness,� according to NTi President & CEO Warren Boley, Jr.Additionally, NTi US is set to allocate an additional investment into the project, which will launch the total program commitment to over $1 billion over a 10-year period of operations.

NTi US also plans to partner with the North County Chamber of Commerce in Plattsburgh, New York in order to support the launch and growth on the factory in the form of workforce training, economic development, and STEM outreach including educational programs for SUNY Plattsburgh, and local community colleges and schools in the region.A full-scale mock-up of the revolutionary MERKE IV� Rapid Plasma Disposition� machine will be on display at the Farnborough International Air Show from July 11-15 in Hall 4, Booth A114.

As the world�s top echelon of aircraft manufacturers to produce structural titanium components, this machine is definitely worth a look.Be sure to sign up for the 3D Printing Industry newsletter to stay up-to-date on everything happening with Norsk Titanium.


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